March is Craft Month

March is Craft Month

March is Craft Month!

Join us in rediscovering the joy of crafting.

Craft Month was launched back in 1994, by the Craft & Hobby Association (now known as Craft Industry Alliance), intended to help everyone rediscover the joy of crafting. 

Almost 30 years later, and crafters of all kinds are still getting involved to celebrate the month (although for some it may spill over into other months too). 

Here at Minions of Craft, our focus is 'Textile Crafts', but that doesn't stop us from celebrating all types of craft. 

Last month, we looked at how Craft can be used as a tool to improve mental health, we think "rediscovering the joy of crafting" is a good step towards that aim. 

Read more by clicking the links above. 

March also marks the start of Spring, which signifies new beginnings, joy and love, and what better way to celebrate this by learning a new craft. However, if you don't fancy starting something new, you can get involved by enjoying an existing craft. 

There are so many ways to get involved with Craft Month, and the kids can join in too. 
If you're stuck for ideas, why not;

  • Join a crafting group
  • Take a class
  • Then just get making

Do you have lots of unfinished projects lying around? Challenge yourself to complete a craft project during the month of March, and share your handiwork when it's done. 

Small Dinosaur made using Needle Felting process, with local daffodils 

One of our close friends, made this small red dinosaur for me, using the Needle Felting process. 
(He is yet to have a name, so if send us a message with your name suggestions).

This has inspired me to try some new crafting techniques to see what I can create too. 

If you would like to see my progress, then share this blog post on social media and tag @minionsofcraft #wearemoc 
Lets rediscover the joy of crafting together.